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The Greater Chapter shall consist of Clerical and Lay Members as follows:-

  •          The Clerical Members shall be the Bishop, the Dean, the Archdeacons, the Canon Residentiary, the Statutory Canons and the Honorary Canon and the Secretary of the Chapter if in the Holy Orders.

  •          The Lay memebers shall be the Chancellor of the Diocese, the Registrar, the Secretary of the Chapter if a Layman, the Cathedral Wardens who act as Trreasurers, eight Laymen elected by the Cathedral Vestry Meeting, two Laymen elected by the Synod, and two nominated by the Bishop.

  •          The Greater Chapter shall be the final authority in all matters affecting the meetings, finances, appointments, properties, duties and functions and other matters affecting the growth and development of the Cathedral. Provided that the Bishop may of his own motion upon reasonable cause suspend or annul any decision of the Greater Chapter.



  •                  Currently the Standing Committee is responsible for the life, work and withness of the Cathedral. 

  •                  The Archdeacon Chairs on behalf of the Diocesan, other members are all the Clergy including the Bishop's nominees and appointees, other members are elected during the annual Vestry meeting.

  •                  The Committee meets Statutorily monthly to appraise and plan.

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