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DATE:     MAY 22, 2016

THEME : The Holy Trinity

TEXT:      John 14: 15-17


God the Father- We thank you. God the Son- We bless you. God the Holy
Spirit- We praise you.
Thank you for bringing us to this day, may your Holy name be forever praised. As you continue to reveal yourself unto us, give us the Grace to know you the more.

 May you knowledge lead to great faith in us to love you more dearly and follow our life time through Jesus Christ our



Today all over the Anglican world and some other Churches, we celebrate the Trinity. By Trinity, we mean that we believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, three persons and yet one God.

1.      It is a great mystery that beats human understanding and Imagination. Mathematical calculation will confuse you the more. Over the centuries, the wise ones and philosophers could not unravel this
mystical truism.


2.      This tripartite nature of God is a major doctrine of the Christian faith and to the true Christian mind, it is incontrovertible, in other words you cannot question or doubt it.

3.      Doctrines are set of ideas that are believed to be true and as Christians we have our basic doctrines we should know and believe.

4.      He is the same God
The Hebrew call Yahweh
The Igbo call Chineke
The Yoruba call Olorun, Olodumare
The Edo call Osanobia
The Nupe call Soko
Ewe & Fon in Dahomey call Nana Buluku
Akon & Ga of Ghana call Odamankona\ Nyame\ Onyamme
Hausa call Him Ubangiji


5.      Yes, He is the God the Bible teaches about
•       He is the God the Bible uses human language and images to describe to us. Eks. 3:20, 6:6, Deut. 4:34 Gen 4:14; 33:10, Isa. 37:17.
•       He is the God that created all things and rules over his Creation.


6.      This same God is fully revealed in Jesus Christ. John 14: 6-9,10:30 Jesus said “He who has seen me has seen the Father”.
John 1:1, in the beginning the same God and who is spirit decided to
reveal Himself in flesh- as a person. “This is Jesus Christ”. John 3:13, John chapter 5:19ff……..


“He came as man –born of Virgin Mary, walked on the streets of Israel, ate like us was hungry and thirsty, had the same passion we have today
-       Even wept
-       Was angry
And at last died.
HE LEFT HIS THRONE, He  left his pre- existent nature to die for the sin of the world.


7.      The same God the Son promised the world tht He will send the paraclete- the Holy Spirit after his death, resurrection and
ascension. John 14: 15ff…


8.      This our text today is one of the wonderful passages in the Bible about Trinity… Last Week we celebrated the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Church during Pentecost.

9.      God did all these to show His love for you and I.
•       What has been your response to God’s Love?
•       As a church today, what is our response to God’s love?
•       See how long it took God to settle your Salvation
•       See how he needed to leave his throne
•       See how painful it was for God the Son to die for your sin.
•       Consider how beautiful it is that the Holy Spirit is revealed as the
Lord who leads us into all truth and enables us to grow in the likeness of Christ.


10.      Now as I begin to conclude, Where are you? God is asking as it was in the Garden in Eden. Gen 3:8-10.

11.     Are you naked?
Have you eaten the forbidden fruit? In other words, Have you disobeyed God?


12.      I call on you today to repent. I’ll close with our current Tuesday Bible Study topic in Rev. 3:1-6.
Let us pray.


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DATE:    JULY 3, 2016
THEME: Love and Obedience: Proof of Christian Commitment.
TEXT:    Mark 12:28ff


PRAYER: Extempore


1.      Glory, honour, adoration and majesty be unto the Lord our God for bringing us out of the first half of the year 2016. He is indeed a Loving God. Out of scarcity He has provided. Out of Insecurity, we are protected.
In danger we are kept secure. We praise His holy name.


2.      Shall we turn our Bibles to Lamentation  3: 21-26 “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the
Therefore, let us give thanks unto Him this morning from the bottom of our hearts and when it is time to appreciate him, let us do this with joy and gladness. And also give worthwhile offerings to the Lord.


3.      Coming to mid- year let me invite each and every one of us to the Mid-year Revival starting tomorrow Monday to Wednesday @ 6-7pm. The theme is “The Lord is my Shepherd”. Psalm 23 Please do attend.

4.      The theme this morning is; to proof that you are a Christian these two Virtues must be found in you.
ð       Love is strong feeling of affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
ð       You love your family, you love your friends and they love you back.
ð       You find a partner  whom you love, and who loves you too.
This is just natural…….. but the act of really loving another is more complex them what we think.
ð       Because people are different and complicated, love between people are also complicated.
ð       Love can be tried, tested and stretched to its limits. Sometimes we love and we are not loved back. Sometime we can love too more or not enough. Sometimes, we can feel it but not know how to show it.
ð       To know how strong love could be, God asked for our love first and
also demanded that we love our neighbour as ourselves. Mark 12: 28ff

What does it means to love the Lord?
1.      He first loved us in giving His Son to die for our sin. We must reciprocate His love by loving Him back and giving our lives to His service and worship.
2.      We must give our all to Him; time, talents and treasures.
3.      Loving God means obedience to him. 1John 5:1ff.

What does it means to love your neighbour?
You need to first understand who your neighbour is. This Christ answered with the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25ff. Read 1John 3:14ff.

Therefore, brethren, as we go this week let us prove to the world that we are children of God by loving others as ourselves. Attend to those  who only need your love. Share with others the blessings God is giving

Show your total obedience to God and His word. Our society needs men and women, young and old that will show love in the face of hateand wars.

 May God help us to be His agents of love.


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