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As we move-in into the month of July and the second half of 2016, we have an achor and assurance in God's word as we all declared Psalm 23 in the "RENEWED STRENGTH" programme this morning. May the GOOD and GREAT Shepherd of the sheep keep and preserve your life. May you lack nothing that is good for your life. May HE lead you to the green pastures and still waters. May you regain any lost glory and your soul be restored and refreshed. May you tread the path of righteousness. For HIS name's sake, may you receive miracles. May HIS POWER banish fear and drive away death from you and your family. May you prosper and defeat your enemies. May you receive Divine comfort at every side. May your head be anointed. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Amen.

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